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difference - "What was best" vs "what was the best"? - English Language ...
On the linked page, best is used as an adverb, modifying the verb knew. In that context, the phrase the best can also be used as if it were an adverb. The meaning is approximately the same in that case. In the following sentence, however, best is an adjective: "What was best?" If we insert the word the, we get a noun phrase, the best. You could ...

adverbs - About "best" , "the best" , and "most" - English Language ...
I like you best. I like chocolate best, better than anything else. can be used when what one is choosing from is not specified. I like you the best. Between chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry, I like vanilla the best. can be used when choosing from some choices.

articles - "it is best" vs. "it is the best" - English Language ...
This is the best car in the garage. We use articles like the and a before nouns, like car. The word "best" is an adjective, and adjectives do not take articles by themselves. Because the noun car is modified by the superlative adjective best, and because this makes the noun car definite in this context, we use the. It is best not to do something.

grammar - It was the best ever vs it is the best ever? - English ...
"It was the best ever" means either it was the best up to that point in time, and a better one may have happened since then, or it includes up to the present. So, " Michael Jordan was the best player of all time " could mean that at he was once considered the best player of all time, but someone else has since surpassed him, or it could mean he ...

grammar - Like best/the best like most/the most - English Language ...
Everybody in that house knows how to fix cars ,but the oldest brother knows the best. Everybody in that house knows how to fix cars, but the oldest brother knows the most. All my sisters play volleyball, but María,the youngest, plays best. All my sisters play volleyball, but María,the youngest, plays the best.="she does it better than the rest"

how to use “best” as adverb? - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Watching soccer is best experienced at the stadium. Watching soccer is best at the stadium. Hockey is best watched at home. Chess is best played with friends. I play soccer poorly, basketball well, and hockey best. In each of these cases, "best" is modifying (acting on) the closest verb. In your example "experienced" is the verb that is ...

politeness - What is a polite way to return a greeting like "Happy ...
When someone wish you good things like "Happy holidays and blah blah" Is a correct and polite way to answer a flat: "Thank you, likewise" Or It should be better to respond: "Thank you, I wi...

Salutation of business letter when recipient is unknown
Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.

Idiom "Do the best" - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.

How to use "best ever" - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
'This is the best [x] ever!' Without the 'that I've heard' the second one would be very idiomatic to say in conversation. best ever [x] I (personally) wouldn't use this type of phrasing - at least not in speech. 'This [x] is the best ever' I would phrase it like this (or just 'This is the best ever' if it's understood what this is),




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