to get VS. getting - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Regarding the difference between getting and to get: In my initial opinion as a native speaker, there is not a difference between them. However, this says the following: Using a gerund (-ing form) suggests that you are referring to real activities or experiences. Using an infinitive (to X) suggests that you are talking about potential or possible activities or experiences. So, since you are ...
"to getting" vs. "to get" - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Some examples (they are book titles): to Getting The Essential Guide to Getting Your Book Published The Guide to Getting it On vs. to get The Ultimate Guide To Get Out Of Debt A Quick & ...
To get vs in getting - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Which one is correct- He did not succeed to get the job though he tried his level best. He did not succeed in getting the job though he tried his level best. Book says second one is correct.
"is getting" vs "will get" - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Are there difference between those sentences? Alex is getting married next month. Alex will get married next month. Seems that the first one is expressed in present continues, and the
"started to get", "started getting" or "started to getting" - which is ...
From that point things started to get complicated. From that point things started getting complicated. From that point things started to getting complicated. Which of these sentences would be correct, if I want to imply that something happened and things are not in order anymore? All three seem correct to me.
Meaning of "be getting - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
The basic meaning of get in all these examples is become, or change state into. We are getting prepared -> We are taking action to become prepared We are getting married -> We are (arranging to) change ourselves into the state of being married. We are getting better -> We are doing something to become better than we are.
Being vs Getting difference [duplicate] - English Language Learners ...
What is the difference between these two words?? Examples: Man getting eaten by crocodile. Man being eaten by crocodile.
Being vs Getting - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Does "being" in the following sentence mean "getting"? An example of "best-case" is the outcome of an eye surgery being perfect vision.
How to use "get late"? - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Sentence: "It's getting late, I've got to go" That's idiomatic, yes. The entire phrase refers to time: it's getting late. The it is called a dummy pronoun and refers to a time. Dummy pronouns are used a lot in English: "It's odd that you think my letter is good." However, a person is late. A person does not "get late". A person can get other things though: get rich, get poor, get tired. In ...
Meaning of "get to it" in context - English Language Learners Stack ...
I'm puzzled by the use of the phrase "get to something" in a specific context. I know its basic meaning and have searched for information for example here. The sentence I don't understand...